13 januari

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? Maybe because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but only felt by the heart ♥
What will you do when something stops you?
What will you say to the world?
What will you be when it all comes crashing
Down on you little girl?
What would you do if you lost your beauty?
How would you deal with the light?
How would yo
u feel if nobody chased you?
What if it happened tonight?
What will you say to the world?
What will you be when it all comes crashing
Down on you little girl?
What would you do if you lost your beauty?
How would you deal with the light?
How would yo
u feel if nobody chased you?
What if it happened tonight?

Det som saknas är nervarvningsvinet, processandet fram till huvud på kudde tar längre tid utan men har man en ibillad självkontroll så har man. Lägger över lite sövning på Gare du Nord inatt...kanske är det något han och Pablos blues kan fixa?