30 juni
What will you do when something stops you?
What will you say to the world?
What will you be when it all comes crashing
Down on you little girl?
What would you do if you lost your beauty?
How would you deal with the light?
How would yo
u feel if nobody chased you?
What if it happened tonight?
We're only young and naive still
We require certain skills
The mood it changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins
Rött vin, loka, två bitar mörk choklad, ny nattmusik, nattsudd, tankar, bomullshuvud, bon iver.
Virrvarr. Bakåt lite, framåt mycket, nu, snart, kom.
Nu ska jag se till att det mörkaste inatt övergår till ljust innan jag landar på kudden.
Soluppgångar i mitt hjärta.
You fucked it, friend, it's on its head, it struck the street